ProfitFest '24 Host Hotel is the Courtyard Marriott Marlborough. NEFA has secured a terrific room rate of only $179/night. You can make your overnight reservations here:
Book Rooms at Marlborough Courtyard
NEFA and DLI Provide the Support You Need!
Up to date alerts on fabrics and fashions are electronically sent to all members. Members are also sent news bulletins alerting them to the latest changes in regulatory actions and efforts. NEFA and DLI are the best source of information to help your business!
NEFA has numerous money saving programs that help members save more then their dues investment every year: credit cards processing, insurance coverage, marketing programs, and more!
A NEFA/DLI membership should be one of your greatest business assets. Call today and find out how we can help you: 617-791-0128!